Capsule Out of Time: An Industrial Relic in West Virginia
by Julia Solis (with Joe Ford)
96 pages / 105 photos

Coming in March 2019 from America Through Time

Available at Indiebound / Amazon / Barnes & Noble

What can a mostly abandoned town offer its curious visitors? A collection of unusual sights and experiences, especially if it’s the scenic coal-mining town of Iaeger, West Virginia. Part travelogue, part reflection, this book examines the rise and fall of a once-thriving community in the broader context of Appalachian history and American ghost towns. Over 100 photos of vacant houses, storefronts, banks and civic buildings offer portholes into stories of advancing entropy and decomposition, adorned with the fantastical botanies of decaying plastic flowers, sculptures of debris and peeling paint. They express the author’s wonder at the mix of Iaeger’s preserved stateliness and its showcases of neglect, the mystery of the buildings’ industrious past, and their deserted still-life presence. More just than a documentation of a vanishing small town, the book hopes to inspire creative perspectives on decaying historic architecture and its potential for art, science and play.